Always Involved
We’ve discussed how our doctors have been staying extremely busy even while not in office, with numerous online lecturing activities via Zoom.
Dr. Levine recently held three, two-hour Zoom seminars for residency programs in periodontology, dental implantology and prosthodontics for the dental schools at UNC Chapel Hill, Harvard University, Temple University, Stonybrook, Tuft’s University, University of Illinois in Chicago, University of Kentucky at Louisville and Brazil’s University of Maringa.
Dr. Levine’s 6 Keys to Team Stability article was recently featured in the Academy of Osseointegration’s* website. This membership-based organization, the oldest in the world on implant dentistry, provides an online journal for clinicians geared toward improving oral health by “advancing the science, ethics and practice of implant dentistry and related technologies.” The organization supports the professional needs of its members worldwide.
*Osseointegration is the healthy process by which a dental implant fuses with the jawbone for long-term clinical success.