Chief Concern: Marcia had aesthetic concerns since she was missing her right lateral incisor (#7) and soon would lose her left lateral incisor.
Treatment Received: In one surgical visit, the #10 tooth was removed with single implants placed in both #7 and #10 sites with hard and soft tissue augmentation. Final crown restorations for #6 through #11 was commenced four months later.
Chief Concern: Henry was born with congenitally missing lateral incisors.
Treatment Received: After confirmation of skeletal growth cessation, Henry’s gummy smile correction was completed and single implants were placed in sites #7 and 10, all in one surgical visit. Eight weeks later his case commenced to completion with single crowns.
Chief Concern: Shannon was concerned with the looseness of her two, upper primary canines and desired permanent single teeth. In addition, she was unhappy with her asymmetrical, gummy smile.
Treatment Received: In one surgical visit, we removed Shannon’s loose canines and placed immediate implants with bone grafting and correction of her gummy smile. Fixed, screw-retained temporary crowns were placed the following day and final crowns were made a few months later.
Chief Concern: Shannon needed to replace congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors #7, 10 post-orthodontic therapy.
Treatment Received: Single implants were placed and restored as single crowns with porcelain veneers #8 and #9 (central incisors).
Chief Concern: Jessica’s maxillary lateral incisors were missing (#7 and #10 teeth). She also had a large bony defect (patient’s right side #7) due to previous traumatic canine extraction. She was completing orthodontic therapy.
Treatment Received: We placed single implants #7 and #10 with cosmetic bleaching of all other teeth. Large defect reconstruction was necessary for implant site development at #7 tooth prior to implant placement. Provisional restorations were fabricated to sculpt the soft tissues prior to final crowns, which were completed two months later.
Chief Complaint: Hui was concerned about his tooth color and teeth positioning as his maxillary lateral and central incisors (#7 thru #10) were in cross-bite to his lower front teeth.
Treatment Received: Hui had full mouth orthodontics with immediate extractions of #7 and #10. Upon orthodontic completion (both teeth were non-restorable) single crowns #7 thru 10 were his final restorations.
Chief Concern: Robin came in post-orthodontics with congenitally missing lateral incisors (#7 and #10).
Treatment Received: We placed dental implants with crown lengthening of both cuspid teeth (#6 and #11) and Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) using Emdogain™ around both central incisors. Single porcelain crowns were placed six months later.
Chief Concern: Excess gum tissue gave Chareeta the appearance of “short” teeth. Additionally, both of her lateral incisors were missing.
Treatment Received: We completed gum recontouring/crown lengthening with implants used to replace Chareeta’s lateral incisors.
Chief Concern: Sophia had completed full mouth orthodontics to create room to place dental implants to replace congenitally missing lateral incisors (#7 and #10).
Treatment Received: After confirmation of Sophia’s growth cessation, we placed two dental implants with single porcelain crowns for #7 and #10.