A common misconception about dental implants is that they don’t last long. NOT TRUE! Dental implants can last a lifetime.
We’ll review your individual situation and strategically place high-quality titanium posts that replace failing or missing tooth roots. Through a totally natural process, the posts fuse with your jawbone. The new, sturdy foundation created will ensure long-term support and success for your beautiful replacement teeth.
Another myth we want to debunk is that caring for dental implants is difficult. False again!
Your dental implants, whether a single tooth replacement or a full mouth of restorations, should normally only require the same basic care as natural teeth—daily oral home hygiene as instructed and regularly scheduled visits to your dental professionals.
False: Dental implants don’t feel or look natural
Whether a single implant or full mouth of implants, you won’t know the difference between natural teeth and implants once your mouth has healed. And nobody else will know you have replacement teeth other than your dental professional —and anyone you want to tell. Feel free to brag!
Former denture wearers also report that they can finally not only eat the foods they love but taste them better, since their upper-palate dentures may have covered taste buds in the roof of the mouth.
False: Dental Implants aren’t for everybody
In fact, we treat patients in their 20s (when the jawbone is fully developed) on up. Even if you lost a tooth or teeth years ago, we can normally provide the bone density you need to support implants.
Assuming that you will take care of your replacement teeth and not smoke or use tobacco products, there are few reasons why you wouldn’t be a candidate for dental implants, whether you’re 28 or 88!
False: You’ll need a dental implant for every lost tooth
Often, we can secure two missing teeth on one non-removable dental implant. And many individuals with full arches of failing or missing teeth are great candidates for our “same day” replacements in which we pull failing teeth and replace a full arch of teeth on as few as four dental implants, sometimes in the same visit.
Imagine the joy of no longer removing oral appliances for daily cleaning and dealing with messy adhesives in order to speak and eat?
TRUE: Life will be different after dental implants
Your life will be different —for the better!
You’ll smile with confidence and be able to speak without worrying about unsightly gaps or slipping dentures. You’ll savor the crunchy, chewy foods you love, ones that you may not have been able to enjoy for years. Once your mouth is fully healed, you can engage in sports just like you normally would. Even activities like scuba diving are possible since your dental implants are resistant to pressure changes!
Millions of individuals have achieved healthier, more attractive smiles thanks to dental implants. If you have one or more failing or missing teeth, why not call our office today to see how dental implants can improve your life?
“I can’t thank Dr. Fava and his wonderful staff enough!” —Eric. G. on Birdeye