Dental implants are a far superior option over bridges or dentures. Implants last longer, they let you speak and eat comfortably and feel very natural. Once you get implants, it’s likely you’ll forget that there’s anything in your mouth that hasn’t always been there.
Whether you’ve lost teeth due to injury, illness, or gum disease, you can obtain one or more dental implants to retore your smile and the full functionality of your teeth. We’ll give you the smile you deserve, and you’ll have the confidence to smile again without suffering while eating. No more dealing with uncomfortable and embarrassing “glue” adhesive. Imagine finally eating a meal again without having to worry you won’t be able to chew it properly?
Individualized Plans
Dr. Fava or Dr. Levine will meet with you to review your individual situation. Following appropriate x-rays, we’ll help you understand the full cost and process from start to finish, including what options we suggest, how long it will take and when you can begin. We’ll follow the plan as closely as possible so there are no surprises in terms of your finance or comfort. Ask questions, that’s what we’re here for!
Advanced Dental Technology
On top of offering what we think is the best implant surgery and technology in the area, we’re incredibly proud of our team. From the moment you walk in, to the time your new smile is completed, you will meet with a team of receptionists and periodontal maintenance hygienists who make every patient feel like family. Our jobs are to provide the best possible treatments and to ensure you are totally comfortable. On top of this, we partner with some of the best clinicians in the country for restorative, aesthetic and reconstructive dentistry. Add it all up and you have a practice that ensures every patient who sees us is ensured of the best possible care at all times.
Take a look at some of the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics patient reviews and videos in our Smile Gallery to see for yourself why you should make 2021 your year for a healthier and more attractive smile!