Have you been told you weren’t a candidate for dental implants due to jawbone atrophy? When teeth are missing for extended periods, a resulting decreased quality and quantity of supportive jawbone tissue can challenge long-term implant success. Thankfully, we offer a great solution.
At the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics, we solve jawbone loss with autogenous bone grafting. This revolutionary, “gold standard” grafting process (also known as autografts) harnesses the amazing regenerative power of your own bone tissue which we harvest from elsewhere in your body. Autografts enhance natural jawbone growth, heal fast and reduce costs compared to other grafting techniques. Best yet, using your own bone tissue eliminates any risk of foreign material rejection.
Dental Implants Require Strong, Healthy Jawbone Support
Unfortunately, when you lose teeth, your body gets a signal that you don’t need to chew in that area. A decrease in nutrients to the area can occur, causing your jawbone to weaken. If you’ve been missing teeth for quite a while there’s a chance that the remaining bone tissue where the tooth or teeth has weakened may not have enough volume to safely house or to properly fuse with the titanium dental implant, an otherwise natural process known as osseointegration. That’s when some sort of grafting procedure is required prior to obtaining dental implants.
How Autografts Work
A successful dental implant depends on the ability of your board-certified dental implant surgeon, the materials used and the quality and quantity of supportive jawbone volume in your mouth. We see many patients who’ve unfortunately experienced failed bone grafts because the more expensive, synthetic biomaterials used caused complications. Biomaterials, per se, are not problematic, but because they are relatively inert (or passive), they can’t predictably promote growth where there isn’t sound structure.
On the other hand, your own bone tissue is very active. Your body is continually building up and breaking down bone tissue as needed, which makes autogenous bone grafting (autografts) an ideal way to add back support to the jaw. We harvest a tiny amount of this vital bone tissue from another part of the body, generally very close to the site that requires the grafting, which supports and enhances our body’s natural healing process. The dental implant(s) is subsequently placed, and you eat, chew, speak and smile with confidence, comfort and pride.
Advantages of Autografts
The Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics is one of only a handful of periodontal practices who utilize this revolutionary, extremely successful, process. If you’ve experienced complications or even failure with bone grafts, autografts may be the answer.
Contact us at one of our two convenient locations in NE Philadelphia (215-677-8686) or Ambler, PA (215-643-4393) to arrange a consultation. No referrals are necessary.