Maggie Rutherford is one of only 40 U.S. dental hygienists to win free Orbit sugarless gum for our practice and patients from the Wrigley Oral Health Care Program (WOHP) and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA). The two organizations partnered for the seventh year in a contest and to convince patients to brush, floss, rinse and even chew sugarless gum when brushing isn’t possible after meals.
Maggie says that sugarless gum is a great way to combat dry mouth, a condition that many patients tackle due to health issues and as a result of certain medications. To celebrate October’s recent National Dental Hygienists Month, Maggie entered the Wrigley/ADHA contest, detailing how the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics encourages patients to brush, floss and chew to prevent cavities and gum disease.
The ADHA represents the professional interests of more than 185,000 dental hygienists across the country. We thank dental hygienists like Maggie, Tanya, Barbi and Lauren for their invaluable educational, clinical and therapeutic services supporting the efforts of Drs. Levine and Fava.