Back on December 1, 1993, Barbara Conway never dreamed that her new job as a receptionist for the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics would last nearly a quarter of a century. Fast forward to December 22nd, 2016 when Barbara will retire from the practice she has served with such heartfelt dedication and passion. As the team breaks for the holidays, Barbara will say goodbye to the colleagues with whom she has shared “laughter, hugs, tears and so much more.”
“I was the new kid on the block back then,” says Conway of the early days. “I’d hear Dr. Levine (who now partners with Dr. Philip L. Fava II but was then sole practitioner) say things about the staff being his ‘second family.’ I soon realized he truly meant it from the heart. I’ve been so blessed working here with such a caring staff, exceptional doctors and wonderful patients with whom I’ve developed such great rapport. Nobody wants to leave!”
Married for nearly 49 years to husband Ray with whom she has two adult daughters, Christine and Megan, along with three grandsons, Barbara has broken a vow of silence to reveal a little-known trade secret: Some patients may not know that Christine, another familiar face at the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics’ front desk, is Barbara’s daughter!
“For professional reasons, we’ve tried to keep the mother/daughter relationship kind of quiet,” admits Conway. “Once when I was on vacation, a patient came in and spoke to Christine, asking where I was. The patient then told Christine, “You know, it’s kind of weird, but you and Barbara share similar mannerisms.” Barbara and Christine still get a good chuckle from that story.
Barbara Conway will be sorely missed. But we know that her warm personality will carry her into many more rewarding adventures with Ray, who already is retired, and with her close-knit family who live nearby and with whom Barbara and Ray enjoy regular get-togethers.
“I am truly fortunate to have worked with Barb for over 23 years,” says Dr. Levine. “She was a role model for all staff members as to her consistency and thoroughness with patient caring, her work ethic, her reliability and her dedication to our practice and our patients’ well-being. We will all miss working with her but we won’t be too far removed from Barb as her daughter, Christine will be filling her shoes!”
The team celebrated Barb’s retirement at a festive party December 9th, at Philadelphia’s Macaroni’s Italian restaurant. Good food, good colleagues, good friends…