Here’s another chance to catch our dynamic doctor duo in case you missed their smiling faces on the March cover of Suburban Life Magazine. The doctors are featured inside the magazine in an article titled “Surgical Precision,” which includes a background on our practice, information on our overall core beliefs, as well as some insider info that you might not know, such as:
• Dr. Fava was originally set on becoming a regular MD before finding his true calling in dentistry. He grew up on Long Island, “Noo Yawk” (sorry – we couldn’t help it!)
• Dr. Levine has photographed and detailed every single case he’s ever treated— talk about a commitment to documentation. Family get-togethers can’t help but focus on dentistry since his wife, Dr. Sheryl Radin, and son, Ross Levine, are both pediatric dentists. His daughter, Bari, will soon be a dentist as well!
Our doctors at the Pennsylvania Center for Dental Implants and Periodontics are supported by a close team of 15 professionals. We offer advanced procedures that “make life-changing impacts on our patients,” explains Dr. Fava. Now that’s a story worth telling—and reading.