Chief Concern: Maria was unhappy with her smile, had difficulty chewing, and was aware of her advanced periodontal disease and generalized loose teeth.
Treatment Received: In one surgical visit, all of Maria’s upper and lower teeth were removed. A bilateral sinus augmentation (lateral wall approach) was completed with ridge preservation (i.e. bone reconstruction) for future implant site development. In addition, six lower SameDay Smile® implants were placed and immediately loaded. Six weeks later, the lower jaw was targeted, to be completed in three sections with porcelain fused to metal crown and bridge restorations. A few months later, eight implants were placed in Maria’s upper jaw. She was restored in four sections in the upper jaw with porcelain fused to metal crown and bridge restorations. A night guard was made to protect her beautiful, new porcelain restorations.
See Dr. Levine’s article published on this case: Levine, R.A., Makrauer, Z. “Straumann SLActive and Immediate Loading: Decreasing Time While Increasing Confidence,” Starget, 2008